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The First Lady's Final Speech

WASHINGTON - Less than two weeks before Donald Trump's Inauguration, Mrs. Michelle Obama gave an emotional and inspiring final speech in the White House as First Lady.

Trump's Electoral Upset 

CHICAGO - The outcome of the Presidential election led to protests downtown, with ground-zero located in front of Trump Tower. One Trump supporter tried to speak on behalf of the victors in an attempt for peace.

These Living Legends Weren't Invited to the All-Star Game, but will Always be in

"A League of Their Own." 

WASHINGTON -  Though blocks away working long hours for the five-day Fanfest, the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League was not invited to the Major League All-Star Game. Nevertheless, as they celebrate their 75th anniversary, they are full of energy, and their passion, sportsmanship, and spirit for the game live on.

WASHINGTON - The Department of Homeland Security recently released the Trump Administration's zero-tolerance immigration policy has lead to the separation of thousands of children from their families.  Protesters across the country rallied in a backlash of rage and impassioned pleas for humanity, health, and equality. Some were driven to Washington D.C.'s Lafayette Park, right in front of the White House.

#FamiliesBelongTogether Protest

- White House

USA Today: White House Science Fair

WASHINGTON - The White House Science Fair is an event the Obama administration hosts as part of encouragement for youth to develop and pursue careers in technical fields.

White House Easter Egg Roll

WASHINGTON - Children and families gathered to celebrate Easter with the President and First Lady in the annual tradition that has endured for a century.

Who is Laurie Hendershot?

HANCOCK, Md. - For more than a year, thousands of people throughout central and western Maryland were mystified about her disappearance. During the highly publicized, wide-range search, officials described her as a person with mental health, and alcohol problems. But through investigating, one reporter enlightened the entire community about her true identity. 


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